Sunday, February 15, 2009


Dad wasn't as responsive today. He seemed to completely ignore me, but he would squeeze my hand when I asked him to. We left around 1:30. Debbie flew in and got there about 12:30. Martha and Jordan left around 10:00.

The MRA results came back that the mass effect is indeed diminishing, but I wasn't there when that information was passed and I guess the doctor didn't specify how much. They did a chest Xray yesterday and he has pneumonia again. While on the drive home, Debbie texted me and told me that he has a pnuemothorax (collapsed lung) and they were trying to titrate him down from his oxygen to pull him off the vent. I just spoke with Debbie and they couldn't get him past 50% oxygen without his blood gasses plummeting so they decided to put a chest tube in. It should reinflate when they do that. I sure hope he gets over this pneumonia.

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