Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bed time

Dad seems so much more alert than he has the past week or two. More so in his movement and the fact that he is now paying attention to what people around him are saying. People in the hall can be talking and he thinks they are talking to him and he will answer them. He is a lot more fidgety where as before he just pretty much laid still. He was so sleepy and non-reactive before. He is sleepy now, but he is quick to arouse to conversation.

We left and had some dinner and we are now in the hotel watching the Grammys. I cannot believe that Stevie Wonder played with the Jonas Brothers. WTF. That is just rediculous. Anyway, dad was tucked in nice and tight. He got two units of blood today. He has had so much liquid pumped into him so he has a lot of fluid on board, so now they are pumping him with lasix. When you tell him something, he says, "Are you serious?" Or "No I am not." Like, when I kept telling him to breathe in deeper when his Po2 was going down he would say, "No I am not."

Whatever that doc did, I think he did something. Like I said, it will be a wait and see. I am going home tomorrow so after that my blogs will be from what I hear from Martha since dad really isn't talking on the phone. I will try my best to get a feel for what is going on and try to still pass the word along. We aren't leaving til around 1 or 2. I have to wait for Coleman's dad to get here. I hope to have more information on his brain cultures tomorrow.

Nighty night.

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