Hello loyal readers. Dad is much more alert today. He is able to shake his head to yes or no commands. He is still intubated and they plan on extubating him today. I want to be here for awhile afterwards to make sure that everything goes swimmingly. No doctors have really been in to update us with anything. Respiratory has been in and out to titrate his O2 level down before they take the tube out and he is tolerating it well. Actually, Debbie and Judy just came in and said that they are stopping the respirator for 30 minutes to see how he tolerates breathing on his own!! YAAY!
Dad and Jordan

We went to Target last night to get a book and some stuff to do. The Target here is actually like a department store. It's weird. There was an escalator in the middle of it and in the middle of it, there was an escalator for your own cart!! How cool!! See picture below. We are so small town it's pathetic.

We got a game called Loaded Questions. It looked like it was fun. The jist of the game was that the roller asks a question from the stack of cards and an example would be: If you could choose couple to adopt you other than your parents, who would it be? You then write down your answer and hand it to the person who rolled the die before you who then reads all the answers. The person who rolls then guesses who said what. You really have to know who you are playing with because the answers could be totally obvious as to who said what or you could have no idea. Here were the answers to that question:
Dan and Cindy Berg (Duh, I wonder who said that.)
Aunt Billy (This was Kelly, she didn't catch that the question said COUPLE)
Ward and June Cleaver (Scott)
Bert Ernie (Coleman)
Jordan had to guess who said what. I think she got two right. Anyway, the game was fun because we were all deliriously tired, but I wouldn't recommend playing it when you are wide awake.
We were also able to order Mexican food that actually DELIVERS!!! No one in Des Moines does that and it was FANTASTIC!!!
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