Saturday, February 7, 2009


Dad got back a little bit ago. Dr Lopes said they found some fluid in his lungs they were a bit concerned with and started him on antibiotics to be safe. The procedure went as planned. He says it was very unique and interesting what he could visualize and what came out of it. He described it as sort of a space rock/Fraggle Rock type substance. It wasn't dense really and had a clear fluid in it. They sent all of it to pathology so he is quite excited to see what it is. He thinks it may be an inflammatory process that could be in it that wouldn't be effected by steroids because the aneurysm was completely occluded at the neck. He left it there open for awhile to make sure nothing else came out and it didn't so he left it open to heal on its own. His fear in clipping it was losing an artery.. He has a long road ahead of him and a lot of it will be wait and see. I will write more after I sleep a bit.

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