Tuesday, March 3, 2009

March 3rd Part 2

I have had "Red Rubber Ball" in my head since Sunday.

They did a bronchoscopy on dad today to look into his lung tissue. There was some puss in there that they wanted to test and they also washed out a lot of gross stuff. They are still trying to get all the fluid off of him so they can get him into the MRI machine. They don't want to transport him to another hospital to do one because that would just introduce him to different infections.

There was a change in the CAT scan in his cerebellum in the part that effects his balance. I think that is why his eyes are roving back and forth. Martha didn't ask what kind of change there was, but that is what finally warrented the MRI which they cannot do at this time. Lopes says he is doing better than he was this weekend, but he is still very very sick. They still do not have the results of the EEG back yet.

I asked Martha if Lopes comes in tomorrow to call me while he was there so I could ask some questions. He still seems to be quite optimistic/hopeful. I may be going back sooner than I thought. I hope we have some better answers tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Another song he played on KDLX was "Gloria". Jim was a real student of popular culture ... he was the one that knew what was "in". He was a fan of Steve Alan, the first host of the "Tonight Show". Alan was a cutting edge comic and during some of his more animated moments would yell "SMOCK". Jim thought this was a great thing to do when you would least expect it ... he would yell "SMOCK". It was very funny when he would do but if anyone else would try ... not so much. One day in debate class during a round of cross examination the opposition asked Jim what he thought ... he paused, looked her in the eye and yelled SMOCK. Debate wasn't his best class.


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