Tuesday, July 28, 2009
They have 2 units of blood waiting to give to him because his blood counts are still low. Im still not sure if they gave him that first unit yesterday.
The rep from Oelwein came to see him yesterday. Martha was told that if they send a rep to go see a patient, that usually means they are accepted, especially traveling that far. So, let's HOPE and PRAY that dad stays healthy enough to get the process rolling and we can get him in there, closer to home. I am really excited about this place!!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
I went to Carlisle tonight and stopped at the house. Grandview, the nursing/rehab facility in Oelwein sent a big information packet that I looked at. I have to say I am quite impressed. I think he will do very well there and it looks like a good fit. Let's hope we can get him in there! They are sending a representative to RML to see him sometime this week.
Dr. Lopes sent me a message on facebook and asked how dad was doing on Friday. I answered him back, but he hasn't replied. I didn't really ask him anything, so I guess I don't expect him to respond.
Dad has another gram negative bacteria again, so he still feels icky. Matha is heading up tomorrow so I HOPE we get some answers this week!
Thursday, July 23, 2009

I even wrote it on my legs!!!
We started in Indianola and ended up in Chariton. It was about a 46 mile trip. We left about 930 and arrived in Chariton at 5:38. I know because I looked at my odometer on my bike when we got into town. It was a ton of fun. I will definitely do it again next year. I am glad that I only went 1 day this year because now I know that I could never do a whole week. I like to be clean!!
We stopped in Ackworth, Sandyville, Milo, Lacona and then Chariton. The last 15 miles we nothing but hills. That SUCKED!
One of the guys we were with was a guy in his 60's. Came here by himself from New Mexico to ride the whole week. He realized as we were about to leave that he lost his wallet!! It made us all sick, he had all his money in it and his ID. We just found out that a vendor found it and he got it back! He had never been to Iowa before. I am sure he will come back now!! I am SHOCKED that he got that back!
Art is on the left, he is the one who lost his wallet. My friend Mike is in the black and his friend Bill. Mike and Bill work at the airport with the guy that drove the vehicle. They must have closed the Airport for the week since most of the TSA's were on Ragbrai. :)
Debbie is with dad this week. He still has a fever but was very alert today. They were watching Twilight Zone videos when I called. She said he was enjoying them. He still doesn't feel good and has pneumonia.
A nurse from the rehab facility in Oelwein is driving in to see dad and see if he can go to their facility. That seems to be where everyone wants him to go to. I hope its a great place! It is closer and would be a lot more convenient. I just want him to catch a break!!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
He just can't get a break can he?
Sunday, July 19, 2009
I've been here since Friday evening. Dad was pretty good on Friday and all through yesterday. He was alert and awake most of the time, and interacted pretty well. He did complain that he didn't feel good, but seemed pretty good nonetheless.
They got him up in the chair for a couple hours on Saturday, which he seemed to enjoy.
An old friend, Dan Ritchie stopped by to see dad on Saturday afternoon, and was here for about a half hour. I hadn't seen Dan in probably close to 20 years, so it was nice to catch up.
Today hasn't been quite as good. Dad has looked really tired and has been sleeping quite a bit. He indicated that he felt worse than yesterday, so it looks like he'll still have good days and bad days.
He was up in the chair for a while, but wanted to go back to bed after an hour or so.
I'm leaving soon to head back to Des Moines, and aunt Debbie will be coming up on Tuesday.
Keep fighting, dad!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
I went to Dallas Center last night for the Carlisle girls softball victory that gained them entry into the state tournament in Fort Dodge. I think I got a lot of great shots!!
Congratulations girls!!!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Quick Update
He still says he feels yucky and his eyes are infected and itchy again. They started him on something for that too.
Thats all I have for now!! Scott and I are going to take pictures at the girls softball game in Dallas Center Grimes tonight. I think Jordan is going too. Its their last game before state. Go Carlisle!!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Tuesday July 14th

Just kidding on this one. She was in my yard last night having a grand ole time. I had to take a pic!
Martha should be getting there today. I will find out once she is there how he is doing.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
I HATE the Food Industry!!
Last night Coleman and I went to Perkins. I ordered a breakfast that came with 2 biscuits that had chicken crisps in the middle and cheese and gravy on it. I even POINTED at the picture in the menu. When she brings it to me, it had sausage in it. Once I realized it, I called her back and she apologized and took my food away. Coleman sat and ate all of his by the time mine came back. So, the waitress said she felt bad and offered Coleman a free slice of pie because he had to SIT AND WATCH ME EAT!!! He already ATE his food!!! How about asking ME for a free slice of pie because she is an IDIOT and screwed up MY order!!
Then this morning, I went to Burger King in Altoona before Jordan and I hit the road. When we drove through, I asked for the Double Croissan'wich. Now, from the sausage incident last night, you can positively assume I don't like sausage. The sandwich comes with sausage and bacon on it. When I asked for it, I said, " I want the double croissan'wich meal, but instead of sausage on it, I want double bacon please." Forgive me if I am wrong, but I think that my request was pretty clear.
I pulled up to the window and paid, then asked the kid if he could throw my wrapper away that I had sitting in my car. He held his hands up and said, "We can't throw stuff away for people." How stupid is that! It isn't like I was handing him a hot steamy turd, or a bag of weed. Jesus, it was a wrapper Jordan had from her breakfast pizza at Casey's. Whatever. He then brings me my food. I pull away and after getting on the interstate I opened my sandwich. There was no sausage on it, but since they I guess, had to specially make it they didn't even heat it up. There was two very rigid, cold pieces of cheese on it and instead of double bacon, I got TWO small slices when I should have actually had four. Hence the word DOUBLE, should mean TWICE the normal amount of bacon, not TWO PIECES!!! I couldn't even eat it. I was tempted to go back in there and rub their stupid noses in my food. Does this happen to everyone or just me? Coleman thinks its just me.
Okay, enough of my bitching. We got to RML. Dad is tired, but alert. He wants to sleep. He has quite a bit of fluid in his suction canister and it doesn't appear that he is on any antibiotics. It looks like the central catheter has been placed in his chest. He is responding appropriately to conversation, but shook his head when I asked if he wanted to rest. He is pretty flushed too.
I will update more throughout the weekend.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Dad has thrush in his mouth and he does not like the mouthwash that they give him, so he has been shutting his mouth and shaking his head when they try and give it to him, so Martha had to yell at him to knock it off. He is also telling them no when they come in to turn him. The staff there allows it, but Martha told them not to.
They did give him a wound vac, so hopefully that will work!!
Debbie, dad's sister, found a skilled facility in Oelwein that weans. She checked into it and seems pretty excited about it. I emailed her and asked if they had an intensive rehab program, but I haven't heard back. I still like Ballard, I wish we could get him somewhere!!
I just heard that Dan Ritchie, one of dad's friends from Carlisle stopped by on his way through town on Sunday. That was very nice of him!! Thanks Dan!! I am sure dad enjoyed seeing someone else other than us!! I hope he was awake for you!
Jordan is going with me now tomorrow. I know dad will be happy to see her.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
They tried putting the picc line back in, but were unsuccessful. A surgeon is going to put in a long term central venous catheter in tomorrow.
It doesn't look like he is going anywhere for awhile. :(
I am going there this weekend. I am excited to see him. :)
Monday, July 6, 2009
4th of July Weekend

Thursday, July 2, 2009
Spoke Too Soon
Dad has what appears to be phlebitis in his arm. So, they are putting him on another round of antibiotics and will put a pic line back in him next week. So, he isnt going anywhere yet.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
He sat in the chair for 2 hours today and was angry when they wanted to put him back down. He still thinks he can walk for some reason and was getting angry with Martha to get his cane.
His infections have cleared up. He just has an IV in his hand now to give him his meds and his feeding tube of coarse. The doctor said his head CT looks better than the last one. They had a neurologist check him out and he didn't think there was any reason as to why dad cant feel his legs, so there will be no further tests. Maybe Ballard can figure it out. Next weekend when I head up, I will be sure to take a ton of pictures of this place so you can all see it. It is AWESOME!!!