Monday, May 18, 2009


Its been awhile since I have updated. I guess I kind of suck dont I? There really hasn't been a whole lot of things to update and its hard to update when Im not there. Martha drove up this morning but is leaving tomorrow to prepare for graduation this weekend. Debbie will be there Wednesday thru Sunday.

He has not been weening from the ventilator very well at all. Saturday he only made it an hour and Martha didnt think he was weaning at all today. He is very alert and is moving his right arm a lot. Almost up to his neck, Martha had to tell him to watch his trach. He is trying to tell her something again, but doesnt seem to be forming words very well with his mouth, or she just can't read his lips.

He now has MRSA in his sputum, so he is on IV antibiotics again. She has not heard back on the chest XRay they did, nor the blood cultures. She thinks that he has lost some of the fluid that he had and will request that they weigh him before she leaves.

His feeding tube is blocked so a GI doctor is supposed to come in and look at him today.

AS long as he is on IV antibiotics, he cant go anywhere, but he is on the waiting list for Harmony House in Waterloo. I can't wait until he goes there. It will be so much easier to see him. However, his level of care will change since it isn't a hospital. ARGH!! I really wished he would have been well enough to see Jordan graduate.

1 comment:

  1. I just heard a Karen Capenter song. We used to sing with her. He always would say she is dead.....


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