Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I just spoke with Debbie. Dad has been off the vent since 830 this morning. He is very much alert and his right hand strength is much stronger. She said that he is very much aware of his surroundings and is respoding appropriately to all questions. He seems to know exactly what is going on and is also quite depressed. Now that he is alert, that is understandable. They worked on his wound a bit today, he is a bit tired from that so she didn't think they would get him up in a chair at all today.

I hope that within the next month or two we can get him back to Des Moines. Maybe in the next week or two we can wheel him outside to sit in the fresh air for awhile. Maybe Ill drive the vette up so he can stare at it for awhile, give him the will to get better and drive it!!

It seems to be that all the brain issues are now gone, we just now have to clean up the respiratory mess and figure out how much damage was done to his brain involving his extremities.

Now that he is AWAKE, email me some more stories that we can read to him!!!

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