Monday, April 27, 2009


Dad has yet another bacteria in his lungs. BIG SHOCKER. Its growing in a petri dish, but they said they thought they knew what it was. So, now he is on 2 anti-fungals and 3 antibiotics.

Saturday he was very alert all day long, he even wanted Debbie to rent him a comedy and a drama. But, he slept all day yesterday and didn't watch any of them. She tried to put one on for him today and he couldn't stay awake.

They took him off his blood pressure medicine and he seemed to be doing really well off of it.

Jordan had her prom on Saturday. She had a really good time. Scott and I went down and took the Grand March pictures. That was a ton of fun and the kids all were great. I feel sorry for them, it was POURING by the time we were done and they all had to go outside in it. Jordan won a radar detector at the after prom party.

Here is a link to the pictures:

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