Wednesday, June 10, 2009

ARGH!! SFGJSEFGPJ)*(()$&@$*(^#%^$*@#(^!!!

I think I should change the name of this blog to I hate lung infections. Or, I hate steroids.

Martha just called and said that since Harmony House in Waterloo is full, we need to have a conference call with RML and some of the doctors on Monday. 2 doctors have now told Martha that he will never be off the vent and he will continue to get infections due to his compromised immune system because of his long term use of steroids. I don't know if I believe that entirely. He hasn't taken a steroid in months. How can steroids permanently ruin your immune system??

So, now they are talking about just moving him back to a nursing home in Des Moines. Well, I want more answers. I do NOT think that is is fair to dump him in a nursing home because Medicare doesn't reimburse for weaning programs so hardly anyone has one. I wouldn't even consider him a stable vent patient anyway, so what nursing home is going to want him? Why can't he sit tight where he is until Harmony House opens? Why? BECAUSE OF INSURANCE!!

So, basically we saved his life from the aneurysm, but now he is going to succumb to the system and probably die from some lung infection in a nursing home because no one is equiped to handle his condition. I myself have gotten to the point where I dont think RML can even handle him. They have made some poor choices and a lot of their staff is less than competent.

I am sorry if my upcoming word offends anyone, but FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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