Sunday, June 7, 2009


When we got here the nurse was drawing cultures and then XRay came in to do a chest image. He has a fever, so they are taking precautions. He says he feels okay, he is flushed though.

He is weaning and doing very well. He seems sleepy. I just played all the songs for him that we put together and he seemed to enjoy it. Now we are all just kind of hanging out quietly.

I found out last night he has been off of lasix for two weeks due to his electrolytes getting out of wack, but he really doesn't have a lot of fluid on him. I actually think that his temple looks weird now because he lost so much fluid in his face, and his cheeks are still a bit puffy. So that is giving the illusion that his head has sunken in.

We will be hitting the rode in a few hours here so I am going to go back and spend some more time with him.

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