Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pray REALLY hard!

Great news, dad has been off the ventilator for over 50 hours and is still going strong and is very alert today. They consider it a goal if he goes 72 hours, WHICH may then show the insurance company that he has met a goal=improved and he can stay for awhile.

The family went to the place in Rock Island that RML is trying to place him in. Scott was SHOCKED about how old and outdated the place looked. He said it was 30 years behind RML and that they had wooden beds, Motel type comforters and most importantly, they DO NOT have full time respiratory care!!!! They have an 8 hour day shift of RT's and for the evenings, one and thats only 3 times per week and no one at night, ever. Scott asked what they did in an emergency and they said they had an RT who lived 5 blocks away who comes if they need help. UM NO!!!!!!!

I called Harmony House and I spoke with the director there yesterday and he remembered me from previous conversations when we originally wanted him to go there. I told him of our plight and he said they would get back to me today, which they did. Natalie called me back and the problem is they don't have an open bed right now..however, dad is first in line to get in there and she even said they would try to find a way to move people around to try and take him too. She was sooo nice. They have FULL TIME respiratory care. I talked to her for about 30 minutes and she told me to have Martha contact the insurance company and have them call her so we can make sure he is covered, and if so, its a done deal, just a matter of getting a room there. PLEASE PRAY THAT WE CAN GET A ROOM!!! It is imperative that we get him there. If he goes to a nursing facility like the one in Rock Island, he wont last. And if that's the case, we could find a comparable place in Des Moines for him to come to and at least be with his friends and family.

Life would be so much easier on him and all of us if he was in Waterloo. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers, cards, letters, sympathy, understanding, stories and friendship. It means the world to all of us. Please pray for Harmony House!!!!


  1. Liza,
    Thank you for your transparency and thoughtfulness to include the posts and the detail you provide. Be sure I (and many others) am praying for your dad. I will double up prayers and specifically ask God to provide a place at Harmony House or something even better. I know your dad from his AT&T days. He's a good man and friend. He is blessed to have you for a daughter.
    Carmen McConnell

  2. Liza - We have known your Dad and you for years. We have been praying for Jim since we heard about his condition. We will pray for Harmony House also. It is a great place. Just let Jim know he is in our thoughts and prayers. Keep the updates coming. I check at least 3 times per day for updates.

    God Bless!
    Dan & Nancy Ritchie


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