Holidays just aren't the same without my dad's Christmas cheer. He always had a way to bring joy to everyone. It was hard. I think this Christmas was harder than last Christmas since it was so fresh last year. I think I was still in shock. His absence seemed to be much more present this year. If that makes sense.
A guy I work with made me a bottle of apple pie liquor. Its really good. Its totally a drink my dad would have gobbled right up, so we all did a shot in his memory before we opened presents. I ended up getting 2 Canon lens coffee cups. They are awesome, my dad would have LOVED those. I can hear him in my head every time I have one in my hand giggling and saying how awesome they are. Isn't that cool!! It's even cooler since I work for a coffee manufacturer. I love them.
It was a Snuggie year for Martha. She asked for one and ended up with 3. I ended up with 2 Scrabble boards. That's okay though, I am sure they will both get used.
Jordan got Dance, Dance 2 and Michael Jackson Dance Off for the Wii. We played that for 3 days in a row. It was SO MUCH FUN!!!
4 dudes dancing to Walk Like an Egyptian
We hosted Christmas for Coleman's family at our house on Sunday and Martha, Judy, Scott, Kelly and Zane came too. So did Jordan and her friend Brandon. He probably thinks we are all crazy. It was a ton of fun though.
This will probably be my last post on the blog for the year. I wanted to also put out there that I have started another blog as well if you liked reading this one. Its about Ehlers-Danlos, living with it and finding out everything I can about it. Dad had a lot of EDS symptoms undiagnosed and I really think that its what caused his aneurysm. So, anyway, if you are interested you can find it here:
Hypersensitive Reactions to Hypermobility
I hope EVERYONE has a happy, safe New Year!!! Love!!!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I See You!!
Well, not really. I have had a tracker on here since I started the blog and on every Wednesday it sends me an email that tells me how many hits the blog has had. It doesn't tell me who, just what part of the country and how long the visit was. I can see if someone just clicked on the website, or if they actually read any of it and how long they were on it. Normally I get about 5 hits a week. But since Thanksgiving I have been getting about 15-20 hits, and they are the kind where people are reading it and staying awhile.
I wonder if people are happening across my page by accident? After all, if you type "Dr Demetrius Lopes" into Google, this blog is 6th down in the results. (I wonder if he likes that, lol). You can find it if you type in "brain aneurysm" as well. Or, maybe there are a lot of people out there who miss dad and want to go back and re-read some stuff. I like to think that is the case.
I hate not writing on here anymore, but I really don't have anything interesting to write. I'm not fighting any type of battle trying desperately to save someone's life. I am just me living day to day still trying to adjust to not having my dad around. It STILL sucks. But, I can't ramble on day after day about missing him. I can envision all of you hanging yourself or pouring gasoline all over about to light a match like two people in Airplane do who are listening to Ted Stryker go on and on about Elaine.
I am just a girl who still wants to pick up the phone and tell her dad stuff, who wants to ask him his opinion, who still expects to see him sitting in his chair when I walk in the front door of his house. I still have been expecting his call today on what is my 35th birthday. So, my inattention to the blog is me trying to get over the loss. By seeing that there are people out there who are still reading it, that leads me to believe that there are others out there as well still trying to get over it. It is very touching to me knowing that.
Jordan and I this year went and got tattoos of dad's signature on our arms. Hers on her wrist, mine on the inside of my left arm. I am pretty proud of them and am so glad we got them. I spent my whole junior high and high school career forging his name so what better way to commemorate him than with his actual signature. The signature we used was actually from a letter my dad wrote to the school about me forging signatures. HAHA!! Martha found it while looking for a good one for us to use. I love them!

I have been carrying on dad's photography business and I have been really busy. I am really glad I took photography in college (University of Southern Ankeny) because I never really thought I would end up taking over for dad, let alone liking it so much. I hope to make it a full time career some day. I almost feel as if he gave me the tools to be able to succeed without him here, and I am so thankful for that. With him getting sick, I found my purpose. Weird, huh?
I have also been doing a lot of research in my spare time on everything I can find out about Ehlers-Danlos. I was diagnosed with it when I was out of high school and other than hypermobile joints, joint pain and a few other annoyances, I never thought it would be anything tragic. I kept saying to the doctors when dad was sick that I had it, its genetic so I got it from one of my parents! I knew it had to tie in somehow. I found on the Mayo Clinic website that Ehlers-Danlos is the number 1 genetic cause for brain aneurysms:
Most people who have a brain aneurysm don't know it, and they rupture at 5 mm. Dads was the size OF A GOLF BALL!!! So, unless he had some sort of jacked up collagen that made his vessels extra stretchy to allow for it to get that big, then he was some sort of walking miracle that he didn't just drop dead. So, anyway, I have started focusing bringing awareness to this disease and learning all I can about it. Maybe in making more doctors aware of this, it could change the course of treatment for those who have it. Dad was a fighter and so am I. I think this is the best way to honor him is to try and help others. If you want to learn more about it, go to:
Anyway, everyone in the family is doing really well. Jordan is a sophomore at Creighton, still studying nursing. Martha is watching Jordan's fish. Scott and Kelly are raising Zane on Thomas the Train. I am surprised Zane doesn't sound like Alec Baldwin when he speaks. Debbie and Jim are proud grandparents to baby Hunter who was born in August I think? Debbie is hobbling around on a severely sprained ankle from falling down the stairs. Joan is still loving it in her elderly community living. Adilet is back in Kyrgyzstan and we are trying to get him back here since his government is in upheaval. Not much luck there though.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday with their loved ones. I wish nothing but the best for everyone in 2011. I will try and keep this blog updated a little bit better and thank you all for continuing to peek at it now and then.
I wonder if people are happening across my page by accident? After all, if you type "Dr Demetrius Lopes" into Google, this blog is 6th down in the results. (I wonder if he likes that, lol). You can find it if you type in "brain aneurysm" as well. Or, maybe there are a lot of people out there who miss dad and want to go back and re-read some stuff. I like to think that is the case.
I hate not writing on here anymore, but I really don't have anything interesting to write. I'm not fighting any type of battle trying desperately to save someone's life. I am just me living day to day still trying to adjust to not having my dad around. It STILL sucks. But, I can't ramble on day after day about missing him. I can envision all of you hanging yourself or pouring gasoline all over about to light a match like two people in Airplane do who are listening to Ted Stryker go on and on about Elaine.
I am just a girl who still wants to pick up the phone and tell her dad stuff, who wants to ask him his opinion, who still expects to see him sitting in his chair when I walk in the front door of his house. I still have been expecting his call today on what is my 35th birthday. So, my inattention to the blog is me trying to get over the loss. By seeing that there are people out there who are still reading it, that leads me to believe that there are others out there as well still trying to get over it. It is very touching to me knowing that.
Jordan and I this year went and got tattoos of dad's signature on our arms. Hers on her wrist, mine on the inside of my left arm. I am pretty proud of them and am so glad we got them. I spent my whole junior high and high school career forging his name so what better way to commemorate him than with his actual signature. The signature we used was actually from a letter my dad wrote to the school about me forging signatures. HAHA!! Martha found it while looking for a good one for us to use. I love them!

I have been carrying on dad's photography business and I have been really busy. I am really glad I took photography in college (University of Southern Ankeny) because I never really thought I would end up taking over for dad, let alone liking it so much. I hope to make it a full time career some day. I almost feel as if he gave me the tools to be able to succeed without him here, and I am so thankful for that. With him getting sick, I found my purpose. Weird, huh?
I have also been doing a lot of research in my spare time on everything I can find out about Ehlers-Danlos. I was diagnosed with it when I was out of high school and other than hypermobile joints, joint pain and a few other annoyances, I never thought it would be anything tragic. I kept saying to the doctors when dad was sick that I had it, its genetic so I got it from one of my parents! I knew it had to tie in somehow. I found on the Mayo Clinic website that Ehlers-Danlos is the number 1 genetic cause for brain aneurysms:
Some disorders present at birth are known to increase the risk of brain aneurysms. These include:
- Inherited connective tissue disorders, such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, that weaken blood vessels
- Polycystic kidney disease, an inherited disorder, that results in fluid-filled sacs in the kidneys and usually increases blood pressure
- Abnormally narrow aorta (coarctation of the aorta), the blood vessel that delivers oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body
- Cerebral arteriovenous malformation (brain AVM), an abnormal connection between arteries and veins in the brain that interrupts the normal flow of blood between them
Most people who have a brain aneurysm don't know it, and they rupture at 5 mm. Dads was the size OF A GOLF BALL!!! So, unless he had some sort of jacked up collagen that made his vessels extra stretchy to allow for it to get that big, then he was some sort of walking miracle that he didn't just drop dead. So, anyway, I have started focusing bringing awareness to this disease and learning all I can about it. Maybe in making more doctors aware of this, it could change the course of treatment for those who have it. Dad was a fighter and so am I. I think this is the best way to honor him is to try and help others. If you want to learn more about it, go to:
Anyway, everyone in the family is doing really well. Jordan is a sophomore at Creighton, still studying nursing. Martha is watching Jordan's fish. Scott and Kelly are raising Zane on Thomas the Train. I am surprised Zane doesn't sound like Alec Baldwin when he speaks. Debbie and Jim are proud grandparents to baby Hunter who was born in August I think? Debbie is hobbling around on a severely sprained ankle from falling down the stairs. Joan is still loving it in her elderly community living. Adilet is back in Kyrgyzstan and we are trying to get him back here since his government is in upheaval. Not much luck there though.
Anyway, I hope everyone has a fabulous holiday with their loved ones. I wish nothing but the best for everyone in 2011. I will try and keep this blog updated a little bit better and thank you all for continuing to peek at it now and then.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Memorial Day
This weekend starts the Memorial Day festivities. I plan on camping with some friends tonight and tomorrow. Monday will actually mark the first time I have ever actually memorialized Memorial day doing something other than relaxing or hanging out. I usually let the patriarch of our family do the cemetery rounds for me...but now he isn't here to do it.
He is here:

Dad wasn't in any serious war, although he was enlisted during Vietnam. He was hiding in order of the US Navy. He spent some time in Morocco participating in a 7 day war that was in the ocean while he sat behind a radio desk on land.
Even though he didn't risk his life fighting any battle, or getting shot at by enemy fire, he managed to stay alive from dysentery and malaria (so he says). Dysentery and malaria were probably the names of the women he was hanging out boozing it up with. But aside from that, dad, I salute you. You will always be my hero.
Miss you.
He is here:

Dad wasn't in any serious war, although he was enlisted during Vietnam. He was hiding in order of the US Navy. He spent some time in Morocco participating in a 7 day war that was in the ocean while he sat behind a radio desk on land.
Even though he didn't risk his life fighting any battle, or getting shot at by enemy fire, he managed to stay alive from dysentery and malaria (so he says). Dysentery and malaria were probably the names of the women he was hanging out boozing it up with. But aside from that, dad, I salute you. You will always be my hero.
Miss you.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Happy Birthday Dad
Tomorrow is dad's birthday. I haven't been to the cemetery since we buried him. The weather has been horrible and he doesn't have a headstone and I didn't want to stare at a mound of dirt. The headstone will be in by Memorial Day, it is 6 feet long and probably the biggest headstone in the cemetery, which I am sure he would love. We are having his fire helmet and number etched in with the word "photographer." In hindsight, we should have had a remote control etched on it.
I always enjoyed buying my dad birthday cards, looking through all the Hallmark ones to find the funniest one I could find. I never really could think of anything cool to get him present wise.. What do you get a guy that always had everything?? So, the card I got him and his reaction from it is what I always cared about most.
One Christmas a few years ago, I couldn't figure out anything to get him and I saw something online about creating your own book. So, I looked into it and basically the book is already made, and there are different kinds, like love stories, little kids books, etc. You just tell them the names of the people that you want to be the characters in the book and send them a picture and they personalize the book for you. I got some hot steamy love doctor/nurse book where I think he was the doctor and Martha was the nurse. I was able to add in a few of their friends and relatives. When he opened it he about shit. He thought that was the best thing he had ever seen. Like I gave him a winning lottery ticket. It was so awesome! I think that was the last Christmas we had before he got sick so I am glad that I was able to give him something he was able to enjoy. I don't even think he ever read it, but he took it around and showed it to people.
I will probably still buy him a card, and maybe a cookie from Fiss, get some flowers and balloons to dress his grave. Although I would rather sit on his deck, eat hamburgers, drink beer and watch him open his presents.
I always felt like everyone looked at me as "Jim's daughter." So, now it is weird to me because now I feel like I don't belong to anyone and I am just "Liza" now. It is a whole new identity that I am trying to get used to. I know I have Coleman, but it's different. He isn't my parent. It is weird to loose your blood, it is your identity, where you came from. They have all the knowledge and history of where you and where you came from. You associate your life with that person. Nothing really ever mattered or was real to me until I told him. Now I have to get used to being satisfied not telling him and moving on.
I just hope someday when I have kids, I will see a lot of my dad in them. If they aren't funny or don't have any of his mannerisms...then I will know they couldn't possibly be my kids.
Happy Birthday Dad
I always enjoyed buying my dad birthday cards, looking through all the Hallmark ones to find the funniest one I could find. I never really could think of anything cool to get him present wise.. What do you get a guy that always had everything?? So, the card I got him and his reaction from it is what I always cared about most.
One Christmas a few years ago, I couldn't figure out anything to get him and I saw something online about creating your own book. So, I looked into it and basically the book is already made, and there are different kinds, like love stories, little kids books, etc. You just tell them the names of the people that you want to be the characters in the book and send them a picture and they personalize the book for you. I got some hot steamy love doctor/nurse book where I think he was the doctor and Martha was the nurse. I was able to add in a few of their friends and relatives. When he opened it he about shit. He thought that was the best thing he had ever seen. Like I gave him a winning lottery ticket. It was so awesome! I think that was the last Christmas we had before he got sick so I am glad that I was able to give him something he was able to enjoy. I don't even think he ever read it, but he took it around and showed it to people.
I will probably still buy him a card, and maybe a cookie from Fiss, get some flowers and balloons to dress his grave. Although I would rather sit on his deck, eat hamburgers, drink beer and watch him open his presents.
I always felt like everyone looked at me as "Jim's daughter." So, now it is weird to me because now I feel like I don't belong to anyone and I am just "Liza" now. It is a whole new identity that I am trying to get used to. I know I have Coleman, but it's different. He isn't my parent. It is weird to loose your blood, it is your identity, where you came from. They have all the knowledge and history of where you and where you came from. You associate your life with that person. Nothing really ever mattered or was real to me until I told him. Now I have to get used to being satisfied not telling him and moving on.
I just hope someday when I have kids, I will see a lot of my dad in them. If they aren't funny or don't have any of his mannerisms...then I will know they couldn't possibly be my kids.
Happy Birthday Dad
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