Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Night

No updates really. His lung is still collapsed. They talked about moving the chest tube but I think they decided not to put him through that at this time. He is exhausted and I guess he is tolerating the pneumothorax well. Debbie bought him a pig and he has been squeezing it on his right side. She tried to make him try and move his left side but he wouldn't try and nodded when Debbie asked if he wanted her to shut up.


  1. Liza, I'm Nancy Plagge, a big fan of your dad's from a long time ago. We worked together when AT&T was still Long Lines. Plus, I double dip in your family because Martha and I graduated from Carlisle H.S. together. A mutual friend, Carmen McConnell, let me know of your dad's health. Please kiss his cheek for me and tell him that I'm praying for him. I used to "preach" to him way back when...he'll know that I'm serious when I say I'm praying. I have a BIG GOD! Please hug Martha for me too, and I fully expect to see them both at the next class reunion in 2010...our 35th! Love from Arkansas--Nancy


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