Saturday, February 28, 2009

Edema Picture

Here is a picture of the edema. The white part around the circle is what was causing all the problems. It is called "mass effect."

Pre-Surgical Images

This is the image of the aneurysm in an angiogram pre-treatment

I don't have the ability to photoshop this here, but there is a cirlce in the middle of his brain, that is it. This image was taken in Jan. 09.

You can really see it here. The lower left blurry thing is his shunt.


Jordan Li Jade is 18 today!!!! Everyone give her a birthday shout out!!

We arrived late last night. Dad opened his eyes and looked toward me, but his eyes apeared to be in REM. He wouldn't squeeze my hands. The nurse had just given him Norcan right before we got there which is Vicodin really. We spoke for a really long while and she thought that this was a normal process for him. He was on steroids for such a long time and Lopes said that he would be a lot weaker once he stopped getting such high doses of it and that he wanted to see him come out of all this on his own. He really needs encouragement, but it is so hard to tell how is when he is all doped up on meds. So, I told her I would like to see him on Tylenol and to stop the Norcan and she agreed.

Today he is sound asleep. His HR was about 130 when I got here and his respiration's are 28. The nurse gave him Xanax to slow it all down, so that is why he is out. He wouldn't wake up to me or look at me. I asked the nurse today if he would have an MRI before he left on Monday to go to the "special" hospital and she said that it wasn't really medically necessary and that he may not be ready to go yet. He is on an insulin drip and they can't accommodate that there. But, it sucks because he really needs to get out of ICU. He needs to be in rehab and he needs the positive reinenforcment that he can't get in this type of setting.

I wish I had great news to report, but he is just sleeping. Hopefully at some point today he will give me some indication that he is alert enough for me to read some stories to him. Thanks for those of you who took the time to do that. I know that it will be very helpful in his recovery process.

Huge Tree

Friday, February 27, 2009

Off to Chicago

We are going to Chicago this afternoon. Hope to miss the snow and be on the road by about 4. I don't have much to report. They did take him off the vent and he breathed on his own for 2 hours. Then his blood pressure went to about 160 so they put him back on it. They say that is normal for someone who has been on the vent that long. He just tires out and needs to get stronger. Shouldn't be too long I would guess!!

I will update more later.

BTW!! Any last stories before tomorrow when I will read them to him, email them to me today please!!


Thursday, February 26, 2009


Im confused.

They were going to ship dad to that specialty hospital today. When the social worker called dad's insurance company to approve it, they said that they won't approve the transfer until 7 days after the trach procedure. So, that puts us at Monday. BUT..he may not be medically complex enough to go there on Monday. ???? WTF???

TODAY, he is "complex" and if he were to go today, they expected him to be there 4 to 5 weeks. But if we wait until MONDAY, he isn't sick enough to go??

Someone shoot me.

He has pneumonia again. So, they put a pic line back in for antibiotics. He has however, passed his breathing tests the past 2 nights so they are supposed to take him off the ventilator today.

He also has his days and nights confused. He was alert and moving all around last night, but he is sleepy and disengaged again today. I still think he is pissed about the trach. Oh well, he will get over it.

His CT scan looked good. His ventricles in his brain are smaller. He still does have swelling from surgery. We aren't sure how long that will take to go down.

I'm excited to go kick his ass this weekend and read him the stories that some of you wrote. Thanks a bunch!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Kelly Shoning:

I think this story deserves to be shared as it just cracked me up. I still laugh about it and have shared it with people. Pretty sure you heard this at the same time I did, I believe it was after Doris' (his mothers) last April, when we were sharing stories about her. He said he was 15ish and dating a girl down the street who was 13 and your grandma didn't like this because she was young. He told your grandma he was going to go see her and your grandma said, "no you're not". Jim said something like, "yes I am, try and stop me". He said Doris' face turned bright red and she did some karate move on him and they went flying and he ended up on the floor. His dad Dick heard the commotion and came in, saw Jim on the floor and said, "what happened in here?" Jim said, "she did some karate move on me" and Dick said, "oh yeah, I should have warned you about that". This kinda shows where Jim might have got the humor gene from.

I was there!

I think we should try to see if there is a street in Des Moines that exists where he didn't date someone on it.

Polar Bears

Mary Bradish:

I remember another one. He told me one time at North High he was sneaking into the pool storage and the huge polar bear (yes it is full size) was under there and scared the crap out of him. When Beth started going to North he was quite concerned for her safety and the mean stuffed polar bear. It is in a glass case now. Too funny.

I wonder why he was sneaking into the pool storage? Probably with a girl. I swear whenever we would drive into Des Moines, we would drive by a street where he would say, "I used to date a girl that lived down that street."

There really is a polar bear at North?

Yay!! Now we are talking!!

Eric Westberg:

For those who read this and don’t know us, myself and my wife Jennifer have been close friends of the Shoning family for many years. I have known Liza since 1st grade (1982 or 1983). I have been close to Jim since I joined the fire department in 1994. 3

Shortly after Jim’s first coiling procedure for the aneurism, he was moved to Younker rehab at Iowa Methodist Hospital. Jenny and I stopped up to see Jim one Saturday afternoon. After visiting with Jim for about an hour, we were just getting ready to leave when a very young, very attractive rehab tech walked into the room. She greeted all of us very politely and then introduced herself to Jim and informed him that she would be working with him the next few days. She asked him if he preferred to be spoken to as James or Jim. Without missing a beat or even batting an eyelash, Jim looked her straight in the eye and said, “You may refer to me as SIR or MR SHONING”. This poor girl stood there dumbfounded and speechless. As we were about to leave anyway we simply informed the girl to “have fun with this one” as we exited his room.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

From Rollie

This was a comment, but I know a lot of you can't figure out how to navigate around here so I will post it so everyone can see it.

Thanks Rollie!!

I tried to post yesterday but it didn't show up so I must have fat fingered something. Here it is again.1965 AugustIt was my first day at Northwest Missouri State College. As I waved goodbye to mom and dad as they pulled away in the the station wagon there was a tap on my shoulder. "I saw the 77 on your license plate, you from Des Moines?" "Yes," I said. "Well a bunch of us Iowans are going to Wathina, Kansas want to come along?" That is how I met "Grub" Jim. So ask your dad why a bunch of college freshman would want to go to Wathina? What was 3.2? What was our favorite order?

Well, knowing my father, I would imagine there was a stripping establishment there??? I know 3.2 was NOT his GPA. You got me on that one. I will make sure I ask him!! Haha!


Dads trach surgery went fine. He is resting comfortably.

I got an email from Leigh Carr today. THANKS LEIGH!!! Here is what she had to say about dad:

Hi. Have been thinking and praying every day. I don't have a very funny story, but a story. My family has lived kitty-corner from your dad for about 14 years. First on Circle and now on William Nowels. When we decided to move I teased him that we were done slumming and were moving up. He promptly informed us two weeks later that he would miss our children so much (lol) that they were moving kitty-corner from us. All I remember saying is "good thing they put hot tubs in the back yard". My husband misses the Corvette vs Porsche discussions/debates ... however I am still up in the air about Jim's trips to the mailbox with just pants and his comments for us "who needs a hot tub"....every stinking year he would do that. Nine years of me rolling my eyes and wondering "why me" and now I am just thinking "God, how funny...we miss him". Scott says to tell him, Porsche rules over vets. We wish you all the best.

My father is completely retarded and I am sorry he goes to the mailbox in just his pants. *barf* But, at least you never got the pleasure of seeing him walking around the house shirtless rubbing his tummy and pretending to slap everyone. :)


Scott found the link to this place. Looks nice. Everyone keep your fingers crossed that he gets sent there!!!

Tuesday. Man already? It is isn't it?

Just had a long chat with Debbie and here is the low down:

A. - Dad's lungs are compromised because he has sleep apnea and he is large.

B. - Anatomically, he is a hard person to intubate.

3. - He has had pneumonia twice.

4. - He had a collapsed lung.

E. - The soft tissue in his throat right now is damaged because of all the times they have intubated him for surgery, including surgeries before he was in Chicago.

F. - His vocal cords are damaged.

7.- There is damage from suctioning.

H.- There are a lot of secretions that dad cannot swallow, nor cough up on his own.

Because of all of these reasons, he is a high risk person to extubate. They need to give his throat time to heal and doing the trach will give him this ability. They expect that it will take 4-6 weeks for this to happen.

Dad has been sleeping a lot. They have noticed that he hasn't been moving his right leg at all, even when they ask him to. Debbie thinks she saw it move yesterday. Since he isn't able to talk, its hard to tell where he is mentally. She says that he completely disengages sometimes and refuses to respond or cooperate and then sometimes she will ask him if she is annoying him and he will shake his head yes.

I think we have a long road ahead of us. I mean, he has had two major brain surgeries and he isn't as strong and healthy as he was when all this started. We really need to encourage him to sign up to try again. I might have to do what Mary says and tell him that Jordan and I are taking out the vette and parking it in the street. That will make him move!! (Everyone likes to hit me when I am parked.)

Scott, Coleman and I are going back this weekend, then Scott is going next weekend, then we are going to trade off. Jordan turns the BIG 18 this weekend. I wonder if she will take her birthday money and go buy cigarettes like I did. I was so proud of myself. Lol.

I will update later after the surgery.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Update 2

This is what I heard from Scott who heard from Debbie who talked to the doctors:

There is a place that is ASSOCIATED with Rush that specializes in pulmonary care. It is not a skilled nursing facility. This place specializes in people on ventilators and trachs with the goal to get them off of it and get him to rehab. They do think that he will be there for 4 to 5 weeks.

Dr. Lopes is still very optimistic and thinks this is a good transition for dad.

The place is in the suburbs, so there might be the opportunity to do one of those extended stay hotels that's like 189 bucks a week. I don't think we can keep the apartment we have now and I don't think any of us want to stay in the city when we can go to the burbs.

I wish there was a place like this here, but staying in Chicago is probably best.


Found out today that after they put the trach in, he has to be moved to a long term care facility around 48 hours after. This is a suprise. Apparently, they don't ween people off trachs in the hospital so he doesn't even qualify to go to a regular floor. The doctor is supposed to come in and talk to Debbie. The social worker has been talking to Martha. She said he would probably be there for 5 to 6 weeks. That means we will lose the apartment because it is associated with Rush, so back to paying for hotels.


We might just bring him back here for that id Lopes thinks its okay.

Ill keep everyone posted.

Here is one!

This one came in from Mary Bradish:

"We were at lunch today and someone asked me if I knew what a Tangent line was. All I could think of was a small furry animal. Skippy always says that."

That's funny.

I always liked when dad (Skippy) was done with his beer, he would roll it across the table. That always angers Mrs. Skippy.


I am so tired today. I hate Mondays.

Dad is still scheduled for his trach tomorrow. I wish he didn't have to have one, I really don't understand why they are doing it. He isn't on any antibiotics now, so his pneumonia must be better so then there shouldn't be any issues with his airway. I wish they would take him off the vent and try it, but apparently his neck is swollen and they don't want to have to take the chance and give him an emergency trach. So, I guess he does have an airway issue.

He had a fever yesterday, so they are running some tests to see what it is. Probably a UTI or something.

Debbie should be there now at anytime. Martha left yesterday and I think she is going back Wednesday. As soon as I get Jordan to send me the pictures of him and his stuffed animals, I will post them up.

I see how many people look at this page, a ton of you!! Come on!! Give me some Jim stories (or Skippy) either one. I know he would get a kick out of them. I am going there this weekend and I can read them to him and cheer him up!! If you would rather me not post them, just tell me and I will just read it to him. I want to encourage him and I know that would help!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


There hasn't been much change. He is a bit more alert but Martha can't tell if he just doesn't feel good or if he doesn't care much anymore. I can't imagine what it must be like to lay in a bed for so many months. Especially for him, he is so independent!

The surgeon poked his head in to look him over for the trach. The nurse said that he thought they would do it on Monday.

At some point last night while they were changing his sheets, his pig he keeps in his right hand got tossed. Martha went and bought a new one. She is going to hang a stern sign in his room saying that there are to be two animals in this room at all times!!!

He likes his pig in his right hand and the giraffe in his right. He still doesn't seem interested in trying to move his left side. Dr. Lopes got physical therapy to help with him which is apparently unheard of when someone is on a ventilator. It just never happens. Dr. Lopes is a good doctor!! I am glad Dr, Chaloupka found him.

Next weekend is Jordan's 18th birthday. Martha is coming back that weekend and I guess they are celebrating here. I think Coleman and I will head back to Chicago and spend the weekend with dad.

I was finally able to clean the hell out of my house today. I really haven't had the opportunity for the past few months so I feel a bit more normal now. Now, I have a bunch of pictures to work on for dad and me!!! Off to do more work!!


People keep telling me funny stories about dad. He is probably the funniest person I know. I thought this would be a good place for people to share their stories of dad. He gets a kick out of himself and I am sure he would love to read these once he is well. Email me at if you have any funny stories to share and I will post them up. I will start with one.

When dad had his shunt put in, it was his first acutal open head surgery so we were all quite worried how he would come out of it. For awhile he had been carrying around one of those grabber claw things:

It made it easier for him to grab things. Or, he was just lazy..whatever. Martha brought it to the hospital and it was sitting on the bedside table next to him after surgery. He was completely sound asleep from the anesthetic and hadn't really responded to any of us yet. We all just hung out in the room for a few hours and watched him sleep. The surgeon came in to check on him and he told us that everything went well and then proceeded to wake dad up to check on him. He told dad that everything went well and that he should get better. Dad kind of just nodded his head sleepily. The doctor then noticed the contraption laying on the table and said, "I see you have your claw here Jim!"

Without missing a beat, dad woke right up and said, "Yes you've met my wife?"

I think we all DIED laughing so hard. We all knew at that time he was going to be fine. I think the surgeon is STILL laughing.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Dr. Lopes came in and told Martha that the longer that dad is on the vent and not in rehab, the harder it will be on him. So, if he can't get off vent they are considering giving him a temporary tracheotomy. (hole in his neck.) His oxygen level on the vent is 40% today, so I think by Sunday he should be able to tolerate being off of it so keep your fingers crossed that dad won't have to have a trach.

Dad has a stuffed pig and a stuffed giraffe in each of his hands. I WISH I WAS THERE TO TAKE A PICTURE!!!!

Im in the process of trying to get Coleman to take a spinnig class with me. We both love to ride bikes, I don't know why he is so against it. I think he thinks that they stand there with a gun and make you keep up with everyone in the class and they shoot you in the feet if you don't. The first one is in the morning. Who wants to take bets that I can accomplish this??

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Wow, I have almost made it a whole week at work!!! I am excited!!! I was told today by a medical professional that the only way dad could have a collapsed lung is because they had the ventilator pressure set too high. Martha is going to ask them to see if they fess up to it. I think they all have done a fantastic job with dad, so I am not really worried about it, it just sucks he has these ridiculous set backs. They plan on keeping him on the vent for another day or two. His neck is swollen and he has a lot of secretions they don't think he is strong enough to cough out on his own. They gave him a steroid bolus to help with the neck swelling.

Martha told Dr. Lopes we found him on Facebook. I guess he laughed about it. Now he probably thinks we are stalkers. HAHA.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Debbie is leaving today and Martha should be arriving. Debbie said that his lung is no longer collapsed but he has a lot of fluid around both lungs. They want to dial down on the lasix, so they are going to concentrate his tube feedings so there isn't so much liquid volume. He is getting some major pain meds.

I found out last night that my best friends dad had a heart attack. They are doing tests to find out how severe it was. I told her to tell him that only ONE dad can be sick at a time!!!

On a funny note, I got an email from Mary Bradish today. She said that everyone at Wells Fargo thinks of dad every day and they talk about him all the time, she wondered if we could install a web cam in his room so they can all watch him. Tee hee! You might catch a glimpse of something you wouldn't want to see.. Lol!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tuesday Night

No updates really. His lung is still collapsed. They talked about moving the chest tube but I think they decided not to put him through that at this time. He is exhausted and I guess he is tolerating the pneumothorax well. Debbie bought him a pig and he has been squeezing it on his right side. She tried to make him try and move his left side but he wouldn't try and nodded when Debbie asked if he wanted her to shut up.


I hadn't heard anything from Debbie so I texed her. She said he was the same and that she was still waiting to see what the Xray showed and no doctors had been in yet.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Monday Night

Debbie called. Dad had a slight set back tonight but Dr. Lopes says that is normal for some people. They had to put him back on the ventilator, he started having some trouble breathing. I guess after they took the tube out and then suctioned him out all afternoon, it was pretty bloody. He did well for awhile but then tired out and his oxygen sats just kept going down. I think they expect him to be on the ventilator for the next few days until he gets stronger. He was much more alert today.


They have taken him off the ventilator, so the chest tube worked. He is much more alert today. Debbie says he keeps looking at her like she is crazy. Dr. Hot Pants came in also and said that his MRA images look great and that we really need to encourage him to use his left side. He said that being on steroids for such a long time gives you a false sense of well being so he might be a bit depressed coming down from them. He is barely on a dose now that would help him anyway and Lopes wants it that way. He wants dad to do all this on his own.

The Medical Apartments we have been staying in and walking back and forth from, the security gal told Debbie to ride with them since people get mugged there all the time. I didn't think it was that bad so I guess I will ride with security from now on.

Scott found that Dr. Lopes has a Facebook page. I think that is hysterical. He is a world renown brain surgeon and he Facebooks. I wonder if he was Facebooking during dad's surgery. Haha. He is so cute.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Dad wasn't as responsive today. He seemed to completely ignore me, but he would squeeze my hand when I asked him to. We left around 1:30. Debbie flew in and got there about 12:30. Martha and Jordan left around 10:00.

The MRA results came back that the mass effect is indeed diminishing, but I wasn't there when that information was passed and I guess the doctor didn't specify how much. They did a chest Xray yesterday and he has pneumonia again. While on the drive home, Debbie texted me and told me that he has a pnuemothorax (collapsed lung) and they were trying to titrate him down from his oxygen to pull him off the vent. I just spoke with Debbie and they couldn't get him past 50% oxygen without his blood gasses plummeting so they decided to put a chest tube in. It should reinflate when they do that. I sure hope he gets over this pneumonia.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


We went to IKEA today in Bolingbrook, IL. That is where the infamous Drew Peterson lives. I think I saw Stacy in IKEA. That place ROCKS. I went a tad overboard on the lighting there. It was fun. We are even going back again tomorrow. I am excited.

They hadn't done anything that they were supposed to do while we were gone. They MRI is still scheduled for later and we found out dad has pneumonia again. So, they have him on high dose anitbiotics again and they won't extubate him until he has been on those for at least 24 hours. They are putting eye drops in his eyes now. Martha thinks that his left hand is more pliable than before now. I can't really tell because I haven't been touching that side since he can't squeeze back.

Now we are just sitting here arguing over whats for dinner. That is all I have for now.

Great News!

Dr Lopes came in earlier and said that the CT scan they did after surgery already shows a reduction in swelling. That is great news! He is having more in-depth brain scans later today and he is excited to see the results of those. Sounds like what he did is working. Now we all have to put our prayers into his brain healing enough so he can get his left side back!!

Last night we stayed at the hospital apartments. There are 4 apartments that you can rent for 40 dollars a night. It is quite charming, most of it is furnished by donations. It was pretty toasty in there and the building is located across from Cook County Hospital so we heard ambulance sirens all night. The fold out couch was less than comfortable. I being sleepy elected to shower last and because of it got to take a freezing cold shower since all the hot water had been used up. The second I decide to wash my face, the water stopped coming out of the shower head and I spent about 3 minutes with my eyes soaped up trying to figure out how to turn the shower head back on. IN COLD WATER!! So, I was less than pleased with that experience.

Since dad is doing well, we might run to IKEA today and take a look around. We need curtains for our bedroom. I have never been there before. I hear it is quite the place.

Debbie is coming in by train tomorrow and Martha is going to go back home for a few days. I think dad will be alright. They thought he would go to a regular floor after the weekend I sure hope he is able to get his left side back!!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Post Op Pics

Yay! Friday the 13th!

Dr. Lopes just came and talked to us. He is very pleased with the surgery and was able to aspirate everything out of the anuerysm. The only thing left is the wall or shell of the aneurysm and he hopes that it will eventually fold up once the brain expands back into place.

He was invited to do a surgery at UCLA on Wednesday and brought dad's case and presented it to some of the doctor's there and they felt that he should go back in there and get more of the bulk of it out. He is hopeful that his left side will come back. He seems to be a perfectionist and he just wasn't happy with the first surgery and he had a lot more confidence in this one.

He said that there is a healing concern with his incision. Once the body starts to heal and then you reopen it kind of tricks the body and makes it harder to heal. Because they had been in there already though, he was able to get right in and spend most the time on the aneurysm. He took some pictures and he is going to put them on a disk and if he doesn't get a chance to show them to us this weekend, he is going to email them to me.

Now it is just another waiting game. He will be off the ventilator tomorrow hopefully. I will keep everyone updated.


I am distracted while typing this because "Cheaters" is on and that show is AWESOME!! Anyway, they just bumped him up and came and took him. They say that this surgery won't be near as long as the first one, about 3-4 hours. They gave dad an ativan a little bit ago, he was getting anxious.

Anyway, here are some pictures that I just took before they took him.


We got here last night around 10:15. We called Martha the second the hospital was in sight and dad had just been taken to his special stealth MRA so we went to the hotel instead. They have to sedate him for those anyway, so we knew he wouldn't be able to entertain.

We just got up here this morning. He isn't near as swollen as I thought he would be. I will take a picture when he is asleep again. I kind of feel on taking it when he awake and looking at me, unable to talk and on a ventilator.

He nods that he is depressed, but he is back on bored for sugery. I guess Dr Lopes is excited about this and really thinks he can make him better than he is.!the surgery is scheduled for 3:40. Let's hope this isn't going to be another all nighter!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another Surgery

We are heading back to Chicago today. Dad is having surgery again tomorrow. Dr. Lopes is not satisfied with the outcome from the MRA and MRI images. He feels more confident now about it and plans to be more agressive with the anuerysm now that he knows much more about it. He says the same risks are involved, ie: heart attack , stroke, etc.

I am waiting for Jordan to meet me at work and then we are going to go pack and head to Scotts and ride from there. Dad gave Martha a thumbs up, so he is fine with it.

February 12th

I just got off the phone with Martha. Dad's blood counts have dropped again. They have given him two units of blood and platelets. An internest came in yesterday and told her it was up to the neurologists when they can take some bone marrow and try to figure out why this is happening. He is still on the ventilator and no one has told her why. The surgeon is supposed to come up some time today and talk to Martha, so hopefully we will get some answers.

Dad is still reponsive. They cleaned up his bandage and washed his head and face last night. Martha said she saw his scar and it is BAD. Hopefully Coleman and I can get out of town tomorrow ahead of the storm and see him.

I was able to catch up on a lot of my recorded TV last night. Nip/Tuck is PSYCHO!! Man I love that show. I suggest if you don't watch it you go rent the seasons. It is the best soap opera EVER!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Dad is still on the ventilator. The doctor did an MRA on him yesterday, not an MRI. They want to do an MRI today to compare to yesterday. They didn't say any specific reason for it, Martha assumes it is just precautionary. They will remove the tube after that.

They had to take his PIC line out of his arm, there is a fungus in it. He has had it since December, so that is probably a good thing. Now they have started him on antiviral meds. He also had some blood in his catheter so they are checking on that too.

She says that he is responding appropriately to all commands and questions. It is about time, since he never did before. By that I mean before the aneurysm!!!


Sorry I didn't write a whole lot yesterday. I was busy at work and too tired when I got home last night.

Martha said dad was back on the ventilator. Only because they wanted to do the MRI and get the absolute best pictures possible so they knocked him out. I guess it was a good thing they did because it ended up taking like 5 hours because the machine kept not working. They are going to extubate him today if they hadn't already last night.

Martha was able to snag one of the hospital guest apartments. They are only 40 bucks a night and two blocks away from the hospital. I guess hospital security will take you to and from the hospital. Coleman and I are going back Friday night and probably staying til around Sunday noonish. I think Martha is going to come back this weekend and get some stuff done in Carlisle.

I haven't heard anything today, so I guess no news is good news! I will update as I hear anything.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We made it!!

We made it safe and sound back to Des Moines. I got home around midnight. The drive back was crap. It thunderstormed and we got turned around thanks to a misleading sign and ended up driving back toward Chicago out of Dekalb. Thanks Ronald Regan. (That is the name of the tollway.)

Scott decided after all of the extra money we were sucked out of for parking, hotel taxes, expensive food that Ticketmaster must own Illinois. I thought that was pretty funny.

I learned yesterday that when my dog craps on the floor when I am not home and she is under Coleman's watch, it is apparently my fault. I have yet to figure that one out. Anyone?

I checked with Martha today and dad's double vision is gone. He only sees one of her today. They are going to knock him out and do that follow up MRI, actually they should be doing that now. I told her to call me if she heard anything today, but she said he was doing about the same as yesterday. Sleepy.

Monday, February 9, 2009

About to hit the road.

I always think that Des Moines blows and I never really appreciate it until I leave and I rarely do. Scott and I just ventured to Alsip, Illinois to retrieve my car keys from Coleman's dad. I just cannot believe how dirty it is here. It is disgusting. There is trash everywhere. We drove by some large cement plant and there was even graffiti 3/4th the way up it. And it was a big building like General Mills. How in the hell does one get up there to spray paint crap know one understands anyway??

We have done a lot of walking around town and my pants are usually long and go past my heels, so my cuffs drag on the ground. At home when this happens, I don't think much about it, but here I imagine there is urine and feces all over the place and so if I accidentally touch my wet pant leg when I sit, I immediately go wash my hands. It is disgusting. It is worse than the kybo's a the fair. YUCK!

We are back at the hospital. Dad is still resting and we haven't heard any news. I think he is doing as well as expected at this point. He had to have two units of blood yesterday because his hemoglobin was low. I wish they would figure out why this keeps happening. His vitals are excellent. I think he will probably spend the remaining of the week sleeping a lot. Whatever it takes to get him better.

We are about to hit the road to come back home shortly. Once we get out of Chicago, it will be an easy drive. I hear it is storming back in Des Moines. I can't believe this weather!


Dad's swelling is really starting to settle in. They took the drain out of his head yesterday so I assume that is why. I was actually kind of surprised that he didn't look awful yesterday.

He is really sleepy today. I guess prior to our arrival PT had been down to work on him, also Speech. Speech decided to wait awhile before working with him because he is still aspirating. He has been having problems with not being able to cough up all the gunk in his throat so his oxygen levels have been plummeting until they suction him out. They have to go through his nose and he doesn't like that so much.

Ultrasound just came in and checked both his legs for blood clots and they just took him to a follow up CT.

Hopefully I will be leaving soon to go get my car keys. We will come back to the hospital for a bit after that, so hopefully I will have more information. I don't want to leave him, none of us do. It completely sucks. But, all we are doing are staring at him anyway. Martha is staying. Scott and I will probably alternate weekends coming here. At least the drive isn't too awful.


I have had some questions from the Peanut Gallery so I thought I would address them on here.

This one comes from Neil R. in Carlisle Iowa. Neil asks, "Why don't you get a spare set of keys?"

As a 33 year old grown woman, there are still certain things that I always rely on my father to fix, and that has always been my car. So, he has the spare and in the past year or so i haven't needed it. So I am sure it is nestled snug as a bug in his dresser in Carlisle. I will be sure to retrieve said spare upon return to Carlisle.

Eric W of Carlisle also inquired about whether dad is able to move his left side since I mentioned he was fidgety.

No, not as of yet. Dr Lopes said that if he were to get it back, we would not see anything for probably about a good month.

Katie C of Carlisle also asked if I intend to turn this blog into something bigger?

Although I appreciate that everyone is enjoying this, I am only doing this for all the people who care about my dad. Also, my family has always been the type to use humor as a tool to relieve anxiety. This is my outlet. If you were able to listen to the conversations that our family has, you would all think we are absolutely inappropriate.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Bed time

Dad seems so much more alert than he has the past week or two. More so in his movement and the fact that he is now paying attention to what people around him are saying. People in the hall can be talking and he thinks they are talking to him and he will answer them. He is a lot more fidgety where as before he just pretty much laid still. He was so sleepy and non-reactive before. He is sleepy now, but he is quick to arouse to conversation.

We left and had some dinner and we are now in the hotel watching the Grammys. I cannot believe that Stevie Wonder played with the Jonas Brothers. WTF. That is just rediculous. Anyway, dad was tucked in nice and tight. He got two units of blood today. He has had so much liquid pumped into him so he has a lot of fluid on board, so now they are pumping him with lasix. When you tell him something, he says, "Are you serious?" Or "No I am not." Like, when I kept telling him to breathe in deeper when his Po2 was going down he would say, "No I am not."

Whatever that doc did, I think he did something. Like I said, it will be a wait and see. I am going home tomorrow so after that my blogs will be from what I hear from Martha since dad really isn't talking on the phone. I will try my best to get a feel for what is going on and try to still pass the word along. We aren't leaving til around 1 or 2. I have to wait for Coleman's dad to get here. I hope to have more information on his brain cultures tomorrow.

Nighty night.


We weren't sure whether we were going home tonight or tomorrow. Kelly left this morning at 9 and Judy, Debbie and Coleman all left at noon. Coleman called me at 3:30 and said that he had something to tell me that was going to majorly piss me off. He told me that they made it to the Walcott truck stop and he realized my car keys were in his coat pocket.

My car is here. It is our only way home. 

So, luckily, Coleman's dad is a truck driver and he just so happens to be taking a load to Chicago tomorrow so he is going to bring me my keys. Now Scott and Jordan and I can get home.

Dad is fully aware of everything now. He is resting. Martha said he was like that after the shunt surgery too so I'm not worried about anything.


They extubated him and he looks a lot better. His voice is back, the nurse was quite shocked to hear it as was I since he loses it when he is on such high dose steroids. We didn't know it but they have been weaning him off so that's why his voice is back. He is a bit confused as here is the conversation I just had with him.

"Do you know where you are?"

"Yes, Des Moines."

"No you aren't, you are in Chicago."

"For what?"

"You have a brain aneurysm and the doctor just fixed it."

"Did they glue it?"

"No, they sucked all the icky stuff out."

"Oh, then you better get my shoes."

"What shoes?"

"My Chicago shoes."

"You have shoes for Chicago?"


"Do you know the date?"

"Yes, it's November 25th, 1972."

"No, it is February 8th, 2009."

"Oh shit, I missed your birthday."

I asked he nurse if he was on heavy painkillers but she said he wasn't. He was confused like that after his shunt surgery. Jordan just came back and said he remembered everything now, but now he thinks he is in Detroit.

They took the drain out of his head. The nurse said, "You have had a big morning!"

He then replied, "Morning!"

Sunday February 8th, 11:00 AM

Hello loyal readers. Dad is much more alert today. He is able to shake his head to yes or no commands. He is still intubated and they plan on extubating him today. I want to be here for awhile afterwards to make sure that everything goes swimmingly. No doctors have really been in to update us with anything. Respiratory has been in and out to titrate his O2 level down before they take the tube out and he is tolerating it well. Actually, Debbie and Judy just came in and said that they are stopping the respirator for 30 minutes to see how he tolerates breathing on his own!! YAAY!

Dad and Jordan
Dad all by himself.

We went to Target last night to get a book and some stuff to do. The Target here is actually like a department store. It's weird. There was an escalator in the middle of it and in the middle of it, there was an escalator for your own cart!! How cool!! See picture below. We are so small town it's pathetic.
We got a game called Loaded Questions. It looked like it was fun. The jist of the game was that the roller asks a question from the stack of cards and an example would be: If you could choose couple to adopt you other than your parents, who would it be? You then write down your answer and hand it to the person who rolled the die before you who then reads all the answers. The person who rolls then guesses who said what. You really have to know who you are playing with because the answers could be totally obvious as to who said what or you could have no idea. Here were the answers to that question:

Dan and Cindy Berg (Duh, I wonder who said that.)
Aunt Billy (This was Kelly, she didn't catch that the question said COUPLE)
Ward and June Cleaver (Scott)
Bert Ernie (Coleman)

Jordan had to guess who said what. I think she got two right. Anyway, the game was fun because we were all deliriously tired, but I wouldn't recommend playing it when you are wide awake.

We were also able to order Mexican food that actually DELIVERS!!! No one in Des Moines does that and it was FANTASTIC!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Okay, I think think a bit straighter now

Staying awake for almost 24 hours in a row sucks.

Dad is peacfully sleeping. It is nice to see him finally get the rest he needs. We popped in to check on him briefly and then went to grab some food and get our hotel arragements made. Now Jordan and I are sitting with him watching him sleep.

I will try and explain better what I remember from my lack of sleep and delirium. The surgery took longer than expected due to the fact dad has been on aspirin and Plavix for so long. That of course causes a bit more bleeding than what they wanted so they had to slow the surgery down. It was a clear shot to the aneurysm, they were able to get right to it. The weird thing is, his brain is sitting on top of the aneurym, kind of cupping it. So, I guess it is under his brain? At any rate they got right to it. Dad has a huge head, so it actually has a use other than a ton if useless knowledge.

Dr. Lopes described what was in the aneurysm as an organized fibrous material that looked like stalagtite that was on the meteor in Armageddon. (For real) It wasn't very dense and it had that clear fluid in it. He said that the tool he used didn't give him the ability to dig around to make sure that he got it all out, like a larger tumor tool would have so he wasn't sure how much he was able to aspirate out. He likened it to scuba diving and putting your hand in a cave and pulling out fish and not being able to see what else was in there. I asked and made sure that he didn't pull any fish out of his aneurysm and he assured me he didn't.

His theory is that whatever it is that is in there is causing all of the problems and edema. Leaving the aneurysm open will now enable all that icky stuff to vacate and be absorbed by the body. He didn't want to clip it and then create the same problem again. He was then scared that by leaving it open, it may cause bleeding so he waited an hour or so to make sure it didn't. There was absolutely no blood flow getting into the anuerysm, the coiling and the stenting was successful at the neck.

Dr. Lopes is just completely enamored by all this as he has never seen anything like this before. Dad's motor skills were monitored throughout the whole process and he didn't lose anything. Dr. Lopez goal was to keep him as he is with the hopes of making him better. He thinks that if he regains his strength and use of his left side, it could be around a month before we really start seeing any improvement.

The infectious disease doc came up and said there is something definately growing in the petri dish, but it is too soon to tell what it is. They are double checking to make sure there was no contamination of the specimen. He was telling Debbie that it appeared that it some type of bacteria that is usually seen when someone has a heart intervention that causes an infection which travels to the brain and then creates an aneurysm, but that has never happened. He also theorizes that maybe there was an infection that could have been in there the whole time introduced by the first coiling or the 2nd stent, but he thinks that is unlikely.

Really, as of now we are still playing the sit and wait game. At lunch we trolled the Little Italy and crazy Mexico. I walked into Walgreens and a puppy dashed in from the street ahead of me into the store and some guy was selling cotton candy outside the door. He was cute. At least I think it was cotton candy. Who knows, maybe it was colored insulation. I will have Scott try it to make sure.

Photojournalism of Big Jim

On the way to surgery
Waiting for the surgeons to come get him
Dr. Lopes says we looked like canaries
Still waiting
He is actually smiling and giving a thumbs up
This is about 3AM. Jordan fell asleep on the wall.

This was taken today around 12 when I got here. He was awake.

Sound Asleep

They sell Bimbos at Walgreens here.

Big Jim

Dad's seizure was apparently an arm twitch, which is what he had been doing anyway. The infectious disease doc said that there definately is something growing in the petri dish. Dad is sedated and still on the vent. He can hear us and will wiggle his toes if you ask him to. He looks awful. I will post some pictures up when I get to a laptop. I can't from my iphone.

11:11 am

Our hotel won't give us the same rate so we are moving to where the rich ones are. I called Martha and dad apparently had a seizure after we left so the put him on Kepra and are taking him to CT right now. I know more when I get there.


Dad got back a little bit ago. Dr Lopes said they found some fluid in his lungs they were a bit concerned with and started him on antibiotics to be safe. The procedure went as planned. He says it was very unique and interesting what he could visualize and what came out of it. He described it as sort of a space rock/Fraggle Rock type substance. It wasn't dense really and had a clear fluid in it. They sent all of it to pathology so he is quite excited to see what it is. He thinks it may be an inflammatory process that could be in it that wouldn't be effected by steroids because the aneurysm was completely occluded at the neck. He left it there open for awhile to make sure nothing else came out and it didn't so he left it open to heal on its own. His fear in clipping it was losing an artery.. He has a long road ahead of him and a lot of it will be wait and see. I will write more after I sleep a bit.

Friday, February 6, 2009


I just finished my stripper book. It was written by Diablo Cody who wrote Juno. I hated every ounce of Juno. The only reason I read this book is because I had nothing else to read. It wasn't all tha bad. I think she uses big words too much and it isn't that I don't understand them, they are annoyingly placed everwhere as if to say, "Look how intelligent I am with large vocabulary!" It's nauseating.

Anyway, it is her memoir of being a college graduate who takes up stripping to escape her mundane life of normalcy. Good for her. It was okay. It's called Candy Girl if anyone wants to read it.

We have't heard anything yet. I am waiting for Craig Ferguson to come on, or I am going to read a People Magazine. This place looks like our family exploded. There are family members on the floor, draped across loveseats or sitting in chairs with coats over their heads. Hell, I can't sleep.


I just yelled for everyone to shut up. Martha heard it in the hallway. We are all jammed in this tiny room like sardines and everyone is talking loud, making stupid noises, irritating someone, picking on the other one and I can't concentrate on the book about strippers I am reading. I am annoyed. Debbie, Judy, Kelly and Coleman all left to go to Osco to get some snacks. I may have scared them off.

Yes, I said Osco. Apparently Walgreens hasn't taken over Chicago like they did in Des Moines, leaving large vacant buildings to rot and create eye sores.

I'm done bitching now. Back to my stripper book.


They just came and took him. Short sweet and to the point. The doctor said he would see us around 1 or 2 in the morning. Now its time for my xanax.


We spent the afternoon looking for cruises and houses in the Mexican Riviera. Dad has it all figured out.

He has MRSA in his nostrils so we have to gown up now when we come in the room. It is 7:21 and we still haven't gone to surgery. I am going to go punch that emergency in the face. Maybe he or she will get a ride in Bud's Ambulance.


It is now 4:31. They are "wrapping" up a case downstairs and they will come get him. About an hour.

1:33 PM

Surgery has been pushed to 3:30 due to an emergency.

I am bored.


Still hasn't gone to surgery yet. They came in and did an ultrasound of his heart. Scott said it looked like a girl.

He is sleeping now. They gave him more morphine and xanax. He said he was ready. He looks ready.


Surgery is tentatively scheduled for noon.

I saw an ambulance that said, 'Bud's Ambulance.'

9:53 AM

The hotel we aquired, Hotel Blake, is very fancy. They gave us a great deal. All the rooms have wireless, it is very contemporary and the door man is wonderful and helpful.

I am adapting to big city life quickly. Its weird things you should expect to see but don't. Like the street lights have no button to push to cross the street. The hospital seems to run fully staffed 24 hours a day. I expected it to be like Des Moines hospitals. I am still a bit fearful of the El. I don't feel comfortable when people approach me for money or when some large man walks up to us just to say, "Have a good day!"" I think he was a bit loony. We see tons of cops everywhere, one even smoking his cigarette driving down the road. I rather do enjoy walking to get to places and people ride their bikes here as much as people in Iowa in the summer.

Dad apparently got very agitated in the MRI scanner last night. Whenever he has one, his shunt needs readjusted and they couldn't tell what he was getting at. So they don't know if they got any good images. They may need to sedate him and try again. I hope they can still do this today.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Tucked in for the night

I had my first train ride and I didn't get stabbed or shot. We looked like idiots though. We walked up to the lady behind the bullet proof glass and asked her for four tickets. She pointed to the ticket vending machine we had to use to get our tickets and of course it doesn't give you back change. After getting our tickets and stepping over I think four different pools of vomit, we got on the El. It was a short ride, it wasn't too bad although I was instructed to put my iphone back in my pocket.

Dad had a tough night. They tried over and over again to put an arterial line in both if his wrists. The guy doing it sucked at it and dug around forever. Dad was screaming so much and even after they finally got it and had 3mgs of morphine he still wanted more. Then when he was finally starting to settle down, they came in to put a central line in his neck. They made me leave for that one. When they were done he was completely knocked out because they gave him 4 more mg of morphine. When we were leaving they were about to take him down for this specific MRI imaging. The picture I posted earlier, the robot one, those things on his head is for that.

Surgery is still set for afternoon and they expect it to last 4-6 hours. I read him all the emails from all the Wells Fargo people today and that put a smile on his face. Thanks everyone! You too Mary!!

I will update tomorrow when I hear anything so stay tuned and pray hard!!!

Photographic Evidence

Dr Lopes. I told you he was yummy.

He is a Robot

Scott Dad and Jordan

Coleman found his twin

The view from his room

Sanford and Son

For some reason I have had the theme song from Sanford and Son in my head the entire time we have been here. I have also never in my life have heard so many horns honking. It is so weird to look out the window and not see where the city ends. Its tremendous.

The rheumatologist came in and said that she can't understand why everyone was so quick to blame the Methotrexate on what happened to dad at Mercy. The dose he was on was so small. She thinks something else is going on because his red and white blood cell and platelet counts came back up after ICU. The Methotrexate is out of his system now and guess what? His counts are all down again. She is having hematology come consult and they are also giving him blood and platelets. She just doesn't think the Methotrexate makes sense and thinks there may be something else to blame. This will not effect his surgery.

Doot doot do doop. Doot doot do doop do de doop. Bwap bwap bwa bomp. Bwa bwa bwa ba bwa bwa ba.


Holiday Inn is no holiday. They said they gave us queen beds. BULLSHIT. My brother, his wife, Coleman and I are all staying in the same room. We are not small people. These are full beds. My back hurts and everyone is bitchy. The rich ones are moving on to the Marriott. I think we may go to a hostel.

I dreamt about the dreamy Portuguese doctor. Debbie informed me that Brazilians speak Portugese and that Brazilian is not a language. I didn't know that. However, Coleman gave me permission to be his trophy wife. I would kiss him a Brazillion times.

The hospital doesn't want us all there at once, so we may go on to IKEA. I have never been to one. I wonder how much shit we can carry around on the train. Once again, I don't want to get stabbed. Especially for cheap IKEA furniture.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dr. Demetrius Lopes

We met with the doctor. He is a rockstar!!! We love him. He is soooo nice. He is truly working on this and has been for awhile now. He is running a multitude of tests to ensure he misses nothing. The surgical procedure will cut an incision from the top of his head down to about his ear, right behind the hairline. He will then cut a square above the eye orbit. He then goes in with a small tool that has a type of ultra sound deal on the end of it that breaks up the large blood clot in the aneurysm and sucks it out. The idea behind this is that diminishing the size of the aneurysm will diminish the edema. He whole heartedly thinks that the edema has been there since the beginning and has been growing the whole time. He is also going to have the drain to the shunt moved outside his head so they can monitor his progress through it better and hopefully ween him from it. He says it will of course be a very tricky surgery but plans on it to be pretty straight forward. The clot can be hard and difficult to suck out. The wall of the aneurysm can be hard to peel away from the brain.... Things like that. Anyway, we all feel very comfortable with this man. Keep your fingers crossed. I will update as much as possible. I can see from the traffic on here how many people read this and he is shocked and we appreciate thw support. Thank you everyone!!!!

We made it!!!!

We finally made it. I decided I will never live in a big city. The traffic blows but we all made it. The ambulance beat us but they didn't run hot and we stopped at the truck stop in Walcott for about 45 minutes. The doctors should be in soon. His nurse tonight is from here but went to University of Iowa. She was making fun of our nightly news and how Billy wins the school spelling bees where here people get shot or stabbed in the face. I hope I don't get stabbed in the face while we are here. That bitchy admissions lady may not take me because I am from Iowa.


We found out what the deal is. There is a Nazi bed queen at Rush who is turning down out of state patients. Once I track her down and beat her face in we should be good. No, the doctors are involved now so this should be happening today. Keep your fingers crossed.

Total disappointment

While at dinner last night at this yummy little place Scott picked out called, 'The Mill' (bleh), Martha called to check on dad and guess what!!!?? The nurse had just gotten off the phone with Rush and they said they won't have any beds available today either. I am really starting to lose my cool. We were supposed to be there yesterday with surgery today. Dad is so disappointed. He must really be miserable because to be this disappointed to not have a potentially life threatening surgery is not something within my comprehension. I hate seeing him like this. ANEURYSMS SUCK!!!

On a funny note; We went back to Scott and Kelly's fancy hotel last night for a nightcap. It was the Best Western Cantebury. It is Medieval themed in a 70's sort of way. The women's bathroom was labeled, "Damsel In Distress." I think that sign would be more appropriate on my bathroom door at home. The pub/restaraunt had 4 patrons in it when we arrived and a wall full of hard back Readers Digests. The oldest one we found was from 1941 so they either remodeled since the Renaissance or the place really isn't that old.

We received our large goblets of beer which I fondly referred to as my " pimp cup" and sat at our table to listen to the fine comedy that sometimes comes out if Coleman. If you know him you know I am not speaking of his mouth. Upon asking the bartender if they served fart spray and being given a bottle of Windex I realized that the bartender looked very familiar. The person I thought it was I probably haven't seen in 22 years and even with that, he is like 5-6 years younger than me. When we paid our tab I asked if he was from Iowa City and he said he was. He must have detected some disappointment in my "oh" response because he turned around and said, "Well not originally, Im from Carlisle."

JACKPOT! I knew it!!!! I said, "Are you a Woodhouse?" He looked at me like I was from another planet and said he was. I told him my name and then he recalled our days being babysat by Pat Rice. Small world.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

For The Love of God!!!!

We are sitting in Iowa City right now. Martha called as we were driving to Chicago and said that Rush had no beds to put him in so they cancelled the ambulance trip until they knew there was a bed. They assured us it would be today. They lied. The doctor just came in and said that they have nothing available so we aren't going today. We are on hold and he had no idea when we would be leaving. So, great.

That's all I know so far. He is sleepy today as they medicated him for the ambulance trip. Maybe Coleman and I will still head out early and maybe go and try to get on Springer.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Sorry for the quick note before and lack in consideration of my spelling. I was a bit excited about all this so there is my excuse.

The man's name is Demetrius Lopes. He is only 38 and Brazilian. He is pretty good looking if I must say so myself. I found this interesting article about him. He seems to know his shiz!!

Scroll to number 2.

I wish they could go in endovascularly but they are going to actually go in through his brain. It is some type of ultrasound device that shaves down the aneurysm. My fear, again, is that it doesn't matter how small the annie is, I hope it lessens the edema. But, this man seems to know what he is doing.

Insurance companies suck. Martha has been on the phone all afternoon with them, they are trying to deny the ambulance trip to Chicago. He has been in the hospital since Thanksgiving day. He has been in ICU and rehab wouldn't take him back because they found him "un-rehabable" because he is paralyzed and wanted him to go to a nursing home. But, now they think he can ride in a car?? WTF? I wish I could smack people through the phone.

February 2nd

I guess I am not good at updating over the weekend. :(

Martha just called, Dr Chaloupka came into the room smiling a bit ago and said that that Dr. Lopez at Rush Hospital in Chicago is glad to take the case and feels very confindent about it. He has a new innovative procedure that I think uses a laser. He will not remove the entire aneurysm, but will in essenance shave it down and make it much smaller. He has had great luck with this procedure.

YAAAY!!!! I am so excited. I asked Martha to talk to them this morning and demand that we get a second opinion from Mayo. We dont' need to now!! I will update more when I hear.
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