Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September 30

Dad really seems to be getting down in the dumps. He voiced to Martha yesterday that he was depressed and really quite frankly tired of fighting. He thought he would be better than he is by now. I know that when I have been there, I have set goals for him with the respiratory staff and I am unsure if they are following through. 3 weeks ago, we set a goal to deflate his cuff every day and to try to get him to use his vocal cords so he was able to tell Scott happy birthday tomorrow. I don't think they have done that. They haven't done that during the week when Martha has been there, and they haven't done it over the weekends when Scott was there. Maybe we need to have a meeting with the staff to set some goals that will be followed through on.

I have also noticed that when I have been there, they have ventilator patients out in the common areas to watch tv or watch the activities that are going on. They haven't brought dad out for any of this. I tend to think that maybe its because if his Aspergillus, but I am unsure of that. I think it would help him get out and watch something other than the TV or the back of his eyelids.

The doctor was in yesterday and removed the trach that RML had put in and I guess it came out like butter. Made the RT staff look stupid. Didn't hurt him at all and he rested comfortably throughout the day.

I really hope he isn't giving up. We have come to far for him to give up now. Him making it home would be an absolute miracle, but getting him off the vent and giving him a better quality of life, I'm sure we can strive for...and to get him back to Des Moines.

1 comment:

  1. Liza, you are an excellent advocate! Keep up the good work. Push that staff to do the right thing for your dad. Don't let them get by with being lazy and not helping him to get well. Your dad is lucky to have you for a daughter and heading up his fan club and get well team! :) You have worked hard to get him this far - don't YOU give up either!


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