Monday, December 7, 2009

December 7th, 2009. A Date Which Will Live In Infamy.

Today is one month since the passing of my father. I have wanted to write on this blog, but it's been hard for me to try and write anything without breaking down. I have thought of him a lot today, mostly because of his weird obsessions with war stories. He would even tell you that he was in a war. It lasted a week. There is even a book on it, he owned it and I tried reading it. I was bored to death so I quit. I might read it now, just to say I read it. He was in Morocco and was part of the communications to this ship and a couple fighter planes. I wasn't much paying attention. I don't think "war hero" and "Jim Shoning" are mentioned anywhere in that book.

I went to Hawaii in 1999 courtesy of a small cash advance from my father, which I ACTUALLY paid back thank you. I went with a dumb boy to go see my best friend who was stationed at Schofield which is the Army base on North Shore. It was awesome. I discovered lots of things on that trip.

1. The locals hate tourists
2. Amy's toddler thought garbage trucks were called "Trash Candies."
3. A pitcher of Bud Light cost 12.50
4. Staying in the married housing on the base was domestic abuse central. All I heard were couples screaming and kids bawling.
5. Pineapples grow in the ground.
6. When seeing the ocean for the first time from a distance, its hard to differentiate it from the horizon.
7. I was shocked how many Japanese people were there.
8. The bars stay open until 4 AM. I never thought in a million years I could drink that long. I was wrong.
9. Throwing up off a hotel balcony 25 floors up is fun.
10. It only takes one bullet to kill me and Amy.
11. Pearl Harbor is the COOLEST thing I have EVER seen in my LIFE!!!
12. Birds are everywhere and will walk on you to get fed.
13. When paged by a Japenese girl, my name was pronounced Ricea Roni.
14. The best place to buy souvenirs for people is at KMART!
15. Jack in the Box is the best fast food that has ever touched my mouth.
16. Bars hire elderly people to assist you in the bathrooms for tips.
17. Baby oil and Hawaiian sun is a bad idea.
18. The airport has no roof.
19. The weather changes in .5 seconds.
20. Honolulu is actually pretty dirty.

When I think of Hawaii, I instantly think of Pearl Harbor and how awesome it is. I wish everyone could go there and check it out. It is so moving and very breath taking. It really sobered me up to the reality of war having never experienced it myself. I can still, 10 years later smell the oil that bubbles up from the Arizona. Standing on the USS Missouri, looking over the edge of the ship and seeing the huge dent from a Kamikaze plane and then closing my eyes and seeing Cher in her nasty, half naked outfit dancing and singing to, "If I Could Turn Back Time." *barf* Way to put your stamp on historic US History Cher.

I bought some nick knack things for dad and I brought home a replica of the Honolulu newspaper with the headline, "JAPS BOMB PEARL HARBOR!" He loved it. He told me he took it to work and put his feet up on the desk and proceeded to lean back in the chair and read it. Mary walked in and saw it and was shocked and yelled, "What!! Not again!!!" Now, she would have to verify that story, I am not sure if it was true or not. You all know how gullible he made everyone.

Miss you dad!

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